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Mission Accomplished or Mission Forgotten?

It’s the end of September. The END of September – how did that happen? If it’s true that time flies when we’re having fun, we must be having a LOT of fun, right?

The Presidential election is in six weeks. Thanksgiving is in two months. The first night of Hanukkah and Christmas Day are the same date this year, and they’re just three months away. It seems like day before yesterday that 2024 was dawning and it feels like it’ll be 2025 day after tomorrow.

The feeling of time passing is relative. When you’re focused or busy or engaged in something you love doing, time flashes by. When you’re bored or sad or depressed, time is a caterpillar trying to organize all those feet to get moving.

If this year has flown by for you, too, then that means you’ve been busily productive and hopefully having fun while doing all that you’ve been doing. If you’ve felt like you’ve been spinning your wheels, that means you’ve had time to think about what you’d rather be doing. Either way, you can use a little bit of time today to check in with yourself about life goals and where you are in your pursuit of them. If you want a little help with mental time management, here are three episodes of the world’s second-shortest podcast with ideas you can use:

Need a trick to slow time down? Here’s a Tiny Bite for that!

Want a reminder to use your time well? Here’s a Tiny Bite for that!

Need a trick to help you stop spinning your wheels? Here’s a Tiny Bite for that!

Subscribe to the world's second-shortest podcast to get wagalicious success tools every day! Apple Spotify YouTube

Today, think about what you’d like to accomplish before 2025 shows up. Pick one thing, break it into the steps it will take to make it happen, and then calendar the steps. When you toast to the start of a brand-new year, remember to celebrate your intentional accomplishment, too.

Sandy Weaver
The Voice of Wagaliciousness

PS...want more? Subscribe to the Mind, Body, Soul Sessions podcast, a weekly mental spa treatment for your total self! #podcast #success #leader #lawofattraction #personaldevelopment #mentalwellbeing


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