Center for Workplace Happiness

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Getting from Sad to Glad


Do you feel a little sad today? It happens to the best of us – me, too sometimes, and when I’m sad I just whine a little bit. And then I remember that it’s more fun to run than to whine and I take off, bunny-butting through the house up the stairs over the back of the couch and Mom opens the back door and let’s me runrunrun in the yard. Pretty soon I’m panting and happy and back inside ready for a nap. If you feel sad, you could runrunrun, too – or maybe dancedancedance or do yoga for a few minutes or take a walk outside. Even just a little bit of exercise helps you go from sad to feeling pretty darn good. And feeling pretty darn good is better than feeling sad any day of the week.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Walk it Off!


Does it feel like stress is getting the better of you today? Quick – figure out when you can cut loose from everything for 10 to 20 minutes and go for a walk. It doesn’t matter when you walk or where you walk, as long as there’s not a roof over your head. Even if it’s cloudy you’ll be soaking up fresh air and enough of the sun’s rays to create some vitamin D, easing your anxiety, improving your focus, getting a little exercise and just generally feeling better about yourself. And if you want to be like me, sniff a few trees and telephone poles as you go by!

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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The Fix is In!


Are you feeling boxed in by life or maybe like you’re tethered to something when all you really want to do is run? I can relate – Mom’s a stickler for keeping me on a leash when it would be soooo much more fun to runrunrun like a crazy dog! Here’s the weird thing – usually when humans are feeling boxed in and think they can’t fix something they’re trying to fix the wrong thing. Focus on what you can fix – your way of looking at something. Focus on that because you can control that. Fix what’s in your power to fix and let worrying about the rest of it go.

I’m Kacey and I loooooove veterinarians!

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Should is a Four-Letter Word!


Are you shoulding on yourself today? As mom says to me when I’m up to something that’s not good for me UNH!! Should is a word that’s about shaming – it’s pointing out where you think you’re deficient. The truth is, if you asked 43 other humans they would say you are great at whatever you’re shaming yourself over. Sometimes human brains are mean, and when that word “should” is popping up inside a brain, that’s the brain being mean to that person. If your brain is telling that you should do this or you should think like that or you should be more of whatever, then your brain is being mean to you. Don’t should on yourself – instead, focus on what you can do about something, or the positive things you’re doing about something.

I’ve Kacey and I’d never should on you…I love veterinarians!

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Flower Power


I know something you don’t know! OK, maybe you do know this – maybe today is just a good day to remind you that you can get a little boost of endorphins just from having fresh flowers in your space. Mom buys fresh flowers for our house every week and they make her smile every time she looks at them. You can smile a lot too – get whatever kind of flowers you like and plop them in your kitchen, on your desk, in your exam room – wherever you need a shot of instant nature and instant aaaahhhhhhhh.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Unicorn Power


How are you feeling today? You might feel ordinary or not special at all or maybe even like a fraud. You are a unicorn. Really!! You spent most of your life so far loving animals, caring about animals, learning how to care for animals and being a champion for animals. You rock at caring for animals and your clients know it. Even when they forget to tell you that you can bet that they’re telling all their friends how great you are. So on days when you feel ordinary or not special or even like an imposter, remember this – you are a unicorn. Strap on that horn, Dr. Unicorn!!

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Are You Worried About Money?


Are you worried about money? Not to be mean but that’s something I never worry about. Mom won’t let me have any!! Humans seem to worry about money a lot because it looks like y’all need a bunch of it. I don’t get why you worry, though – you know what to do to get money and it always comes when you need it to. Here’s my advice – focus on doing what you love and the money thing will work out. It always does for mom and it will for you, too.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Dealing With Difficult Co-Workers


Does it feel like someone you work with doesn’t like you very much? Sometimes it feels like the dog next door doesn’t like me much, too, and that doesn’t feel good. Maybe try this – pretend that the person is a little shy and just doesn’t know how to behave around someone like you. When you think better thoughts about them they’ll respond by being better behaved around you. You’re the only person who can change the dynamic because no one else can think inside your head. Think better and watch other people do better because of it.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Walk Your Troubles Away


Are you feeling stressed? Why don’t you go outside and go for a walk. That always works for me. Of course, Mom has to take me but she doesn’t have to take you! So take a break for ten or 15 minutes and go outside and get some fresh air and sunshine.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Behold! The Power of a Cellphone!


I wish I had a cell phone – mom says I can’t work one. She should know how smart I am by now…sheesh!! Anyway, you have a cell phone and here’s a good thing to do with it – every morning send one text to a friend you haven’t talked to or seen in a while. Just one. Every morning. You’ll put a smile on their face, and at some point in the day you’ll probably get a sweet note back from them when you least expect it and maybe when you most need a nice surprise. Nurture your friendships – it’s as simple as a text a day – and your friends will nurture you.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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