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Your Storytelling Power

Uncategorized Nov 21, 2022

Your life is created by the stories you tell. What kind of stories are you telling?

And are you mentally arguing with this premise right now? It’s ok…many people would.

My Grandma Faught told stories of her poor health, poor bodily functions, and poor relationships with people. She was always the unfortunate, sad focus of her stories, and her life, just like her stories, was filled with doctor visits, unpleasant procedures and neighbors who didn’t like her and wouldn’t help her.

There’s brain science to back up how your life is created by the stories you tell – in every moment, there’s far too much input for your brain to be able to capture all of it, so it captures and catalogues the kinds of things you are generally focused on. Our brains unconsciously shape our perception of reality to meet our needs, desires, and past experiences.

So once again, take in this thought and apply it to yourself – your life is created by the stories you tell. What kind of stories do you want to tell now that you know how powerful your story-telling is?

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job"

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