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The Superpower of a Great Leader

Uncategorized Nov 25, 2022

A lot of people are in leadership positions they didn’t really seek out. I’ve been there once or twice – you, too?

Maybe you’re perceived as the leader because you’re in a decision-making position, even though you’re not technically the staff supervisor. That can be tough – you have all of the responsibilities with none of the authority, and yet the staff still looks to you for direction.

Even if you never wanted to be a leader, you need to act like one, and this one tip can help. Do your best to understand each person you work with.

  • What lights their fire? Where did they grow up?
  • Where are they in the birth order?
  • Where are they where significant relationships are concerned?
  • If money was no object, what would they do with their time?

Find out who they are at a heart level, not just a head level. When you reach for understanding you invite understanding, and when a team understands each other, they work well together.

Want more? Click herefor a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job"

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