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Exercise Fast for Wellbeing


Exercise…who has time for that? I have naps to take and you probably have a lot of work to do. But exercise is necessary to keep our bodies and minds healthy, so here’s an idea to get a great workout in only ten minutes – high intensity interval training.

Pick a 10-minute part of your day when you can hit it hard, and pick 4 exercises. Mom likes jumping jacks, tricep dips, high knees and push ups, but you could do burpees or mountain climbers or jump rope or whatever no-equipment movements you like. Organize them from the hardest for you to the easiest and get started – do the first exercise for 20 seconds as fast as you can, then do it slowly for 1 minute and move to the next exercise. Repeat the 20 seconds hard, 1 minute easy pattern through all four exercises and then go through the set again. It’ll take you about 10 minutes to go through the exercises twice and then you’re done.

Self-care for the win!

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!


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