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Creating that "New Love" Feeling Anytime You Want It

Uncategorized Oct 10, 2022

Oh, new love – is there any better feeling than that?

The reason love feels so good is that we are choosing to see the best in the other person and daydreaming of how wonderful the next meeting will be. That’s easy to do when love is new, and tougher the longer you’ve been exposed to the not-so-best in the other person.

No matter how wonderful your new love seems, remember they’re human – inevitably, there’ll be some not-so-good pieces to being with them. Choose to see the best, anyway.

When you do, you keep that “newly in love” feeling for a long time. And can do this with your co-workers, neighbors, baristas...everyone!

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job"

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