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Channeling Your Inner Bovine

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2022

Is there someone in your life who goes off unpredictably, sometimes spewing anger and resentment at you?

Yeah, that happens to us all at some point in our lives. Sometimes it’s a person you can avoid being around, and sometimes it’s a co-worker or family member.

Yikes…what then? That’s when I want you to don your placid cow persona.

There’s someone I have to be around fairly often who is very insecure, and that insecurity manifests as aggressive defensiveness. No amount of soothing will derail this person when that behavior starts – those of us in the vicinity just have to wait it out and hope the verbal barrage isn’t pointed at us.

When something like this happens to you, maybe what I do can help you, too. Make it a game – imagine that you’re a beautiful cow, standing in a lush green pasture, chewing your cud under a sunny, cloudless sky. Your mouth is closed, your eyes are soft and you are 100% focused on your little piece of paradise.

When you don your placid cow persona, you’re not reacting to the person’s craziness. You’re not participating with them, which will almost always make them stop acting out. Practice your placid cow persona whenever something irritating is happening, and when you’re faced with that especially difficult person it’ll be easier to go to your happier place…placid cow…placid cow…placid cow… 

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job" 

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