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Becoming Your Biggest Fan

Uncategorized Dec 14, 2022

Are you a fan of something? Chances are, you’re a fan of a lot of things – maybe your college sports team, a sport you play, a certain musician or type of music – most of us are fans of a lot of things.

When you’re a fan, it means you’re focused on something in a positive way – appreciating it, hoping good things happen to it and for it, and finding ways to incorporate the object of your fan-dom into your life more often.

So as you make the list of the things you’re a fan of, do this – add your name to that list. Become your own fan – appreciate yourself, root for yourself, and find ways to celebrate yourself more often in your daily life.

When you become your biggest fan, what you’re actually doing is paving the way for a happier, more successful life. I dare you – be a fan of yourself!

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job"

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