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Finding and Fixing Old Patterns

Uncategorized Oct 29, 2022

Human beings are creatures of habit. Have you ever watched helplessly as your best friend picked the same kind of bad-for-her relationship partner, over and over?

That happens because we’re innately drawn to patterns of behavior that fit a pattern we’re used to. It doesn’t matter if it’s a good pattern or a bad pattern – it’s a pattern that feels familiar, and therefore our brains flood our bodies with oxytocin and dopamine in response.

If you have a pattern of behavior you’d like to change, make a plan, work the plan and be patient and kind with yourself when you find yourself reverting to an old way of doing things.

Our brains love patterns – it’s how we can learn and grow so rapidly – so creating a new pattern and then sticking with that new pattern will create your new habit.

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Stop Shoulding on Yourself

Uncategorized Oct 28, 2022

Should is a punishment.

There, I said it – when you should on yourself or when others should on you, punishment is involved. When you say, “I should have gone to the gym today,” you’re wagging an imaginary finger at yourself, blaming yourself for laziness or distractedness or an inability to manage your time.

None of that is productive.

If you want to go to the gym each day, shoulding on yourself isn’t the way to get it done. Lay out your workout clothes the night before, set your alarm a little early and go to the gym.

Whatever you’re shoulding on yourself about, focus on the solution, implement it and move on.

Ahhhhhhh…adulting is fun!

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Dreaming Away Fear

Uncategorized Oct 27, 2022

When you feel fear, remember that on the other side of the fear is a dream.

In that moment of fear, ask yourself what you want. If you’re afraid you don’t have enough money, the dream is to have plenty of it. If you’re afraid your partner doesn’t love you anymore, the dream is that your love is as strong as it was when it was brand new.

When you’re afraid, stop and ask yourself what the dream is. Then, instead of focusing on the fear, focus on the dream.

This is hard and takes practice and I promise you, it’ll open up your eyes to endless possibilities.

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Lighting Your Own Way

Uncategorized Oct 26, 2022

In a magazine interview from 1968, genius filmmaker Stanley Kubrik said, “However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.”

He was talking about life and the transformation of attitudes from childhood into adulthood, and about how we as humans make the choice to either become embittered by life or to recapture the wonder of childhood.

Life throws us a lot of darkness at times – remember that you are your own light source and you have the power to light the way out of even your darkest moments.

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Becoming the Boss of Loss

Uncategorized Oct 25, 2022

Loss is inevitable. Everything that lives eventually stops living – no exceptions to that have been discovered on Planet Earth yet.

Loss is inevitable, so why does it sometimes feel so personal?

“If I’d taken better care of my dog she would have lived longer.”
“If I’d remembered to water more often, my peace lily wouldn’t have died.”
“If I’d…” – well, you get the idea, right?

We take loss personally, when it’s an inevitable part of living. The best we can hope to do is postpone the loss – we’ll never stop it. When you can see a loss coming, get as philosophical about it as you possibly can.

Because loss is inevitable. Beating yourself up over it is optional.

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Putting the "I" in Ignore

Uncategorized Oct 24, 2022

Can you ignore someone’s poor behavior?
How about ignoring someone’s annoying behavior?

When you learn to ignore things that ordinarily set you off, you’re learning to create your own inner peace. When you allow someone else’s behavior to dictate yours, you’ve forgotten how to create your own inner peace.

Let other people do what they do – they’re going to do it anyway. Your job is to learn to ignore what has irritated you in the past – you’re not in control of the other person, but you are in control of your own inner peace.

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Swallow Your Pride and Ask for Help

Uncategorized Oct 23, 2022

Sometimes it’s really tough to ask for help.

Maybe you’re having to ask the same question you’ve asked before.
Maybe the person you need help from intimidates you a little bit.
Maybe you feel like you should be able to handle everything and shouldn’t have to ask for help.

Ask anyway.

When you allow someone else to guide you through a situation, you open yourself up to other ways of doing things and sometimes even other ways of thinking.
You signal to the person you asked that you trust them and value their opinion, and that you’re coachable and teachable.
And you let someone else help you out of the corner you feel boxed into by your lack of knowledge.

And you learn. And it’s all good!

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Who Loves You, Baby?

Uncategorized Oct 22, 2022

John W. Gardner was the Secretary of Health Education and Welfare in the 1960’s, and in a speech he said, “No matter how hard you try to please, some people in this world are not going to love you – a lesson that is at first troubling and then really quite relaxing.”

How could not being able to please someone be relaxing?

Because the lesson is that it’s not ever your job to make someone love you. You truly can’t make another person love you – their feelings are their own, just as your feelings are your own. Your work is to be the best person you can be, no matter what others feel about you.

Love yourself – that’s truly all that matters.

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When Family Members Go Bad

Uncategorized Oct 21, 2022

Just because you’re related to them, it doesn’t mean they can run rough-shod all over you.

Do you have a family member who violates your boundaries? Ask yourself, “would I accept this kind of behavior from a client?” If the answer is no, then don’t accept it from a relative either.

Don’t allow anyone to take advantage of you, even if the conversation to make it stop could be difficult. Come up with a way to lovingly help them understand what they’re doing to you. If the roles were reversed, what would your behavior look like to them? How would they feel if you did to them what they're doing to you? 

Express that and see if you can help them change their ways.

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Bulking Up on Resiliency

Uncategorized Oct 20, 2022

Resiliency is a muscle you can build.

It’s the ability to adapt to new situations. You’ve done that your whole life.

Resiliency is gracefully letting go of the things you can’t control. OK, for most of us, this one is a bit harder, and when you learn to let go you’ll feel the wisdom and peace of it.

Resiliency is holding your calm center as the storm swirls around you.

Resiliency is remembering to love and respect those around you, as you would hope they would love and respect you. Yes, even when it feels like they don't deserve your love, love them anyway because it's best for you.

Resiliency is remembering that you can trust yourself to make sound decisions because you’ve made good decisions in the past and can make them again. Your ability to be resilient is something that’s there and getting stronger with every decision you make.

Trust in your resiliency.

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