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The Pain You Inflict on You

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2022

Did someone hurt you, disrespect you or otherwise do you wrong? That’s on them.

Do you carry a grudge, tell the story of their bad behavior, or relive that story inside your head over and over?

That’s on you.

As long as you interact with other human beings, someone or something is bound to bruise your feelings, make you mad or break your heart. Stuff happens. What you do with that stuff, and whether or not you choose to heal the hurt and move on, is completely up to you.

Wallowing in the story, in the hurt and in the betrayal is pain you are choosing to inflict on yourself. Make a choice that allows you to move on and heal. When the story starts to play inside your head or come out of your mouth, remind yourself that you already felt that pain once – there’s literally no need for you to feel it again.

Then square up your shoulders, put a smile on your face and move into a new, healthier chapter of your life.

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What Your Dreams May be Doing to You

Uncategorized Sep 15, 2022

What are you working for?
What are you dreaming of?
Are you working for a better tomorrow, and dreaming of someday?

That’s very human – as a matter of fact, brain imaging shows that inside most peoples’ heads, there’s a lot of activity when they’re thinking about their goals, hopes and dreams. The brain imaging doesn’t tell the whole story, though – chemically, when thinking of goals, hopes and dreams, many people are feeling stress, not happiness.

When researchers look at people who are focused on the people, animals, plants, and events around them, chemically many of them are in a state of satisfaction and happiness.

How would you rather feel?

Sure, it’s great to have goals, hopes and dreams. It’s better to focus on the steps on the path to those goals – stay present and focused on right now and let your head and your heart guide you on a satisfying path to those goals, one step at a time.

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You Can't Make Someone Happy

Uncategorized Sep 14, 2022

Is there someone in your life that you’re trying to make happy? I don’t mean someone you do nice things for because it makes you feel good, I mean someone who is in some sort of relationship with you, doesn’t seem entirely satisfied with that relationship, and you find yourself making decisions based on how you think it will make them feel?

Take a moment and think about this – as powerful and as wonderful as you are, you do not have the power to make someone happy.

You can give them a raise if they’re your employee, you can change the way you wear your hair if they’re your life partner, you can make all the external changes they seem to want from you and guess what – they will only be happy when they choose to be happy. What they’re choosing instead is to be unhappy and blame you for it.

That’s a losing situation for you – you can never win. It’s time to decide what would make you happy in that relationship and go do...

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Easing Interactions with Difficult Clients


Do you have to deal with someone who’s difficult? Maybe angry, defensive, egotistical, greedy – whatever they are, they just suck the life out of you?

Instead of dreading your interactions with them, try this – feel compassion for them.

Can you imagine going through life knowing that people don’t like you very much? And believe me, they know! Think of them as kind of broken, because in a way they are.

When you can feel for them instead of against them it helps you feel better. And maybe the interactions with them will go better, too!

I’m Sandy Weaver and just like Kacey, I love veterinarians!

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How to Build Up Your Own Self-Confidence


Self-confidence is something a lot of people struggle with – you, too, sometimes?

We are usually much harder on ourselves than on the people in our lives. That’s a habit developed in childhood and it doesn’t serve us well at all – listening to all that negative self-talk in your head guts your self-confidence.

Try this to build yourself back up – once a day, focus on something that you did really well that day or the day before and feel the pride of a task well-done.

If you journal, make this part of your journaling routine. If you practice regular affirmations or meditation, make it part of that time. Focus on success and feel your self-confidence soar.

I’m Sandy Weaver and just like Kacey, I love veterinarians!

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This Minute is About You - Yes, YOU


Do you sometimes feel like, no matter what you do, that you’re not making a very big difference in the world? Trust me, you’re wrong about that – here’s what’s really going on.

Our strengths and talents feel very natural and organic to us, so we take them for granted. It’s easy for me to distill brain research into concepts most people can easily grasp, and it’s easy for you to visit with a patient and feel the things that could be wrong with them even though they can’t speak words to you.

You make a difference for your patients, for their owners, for your team, for your family and friends and everyone you touch in life.

You matter, because no one else can do what you do with the heart and soul you pour into doing it.

I’m Sandy Weaver and just like Kacey, I love veterinarians!

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Walk a Mile in Their Crocs


Do you ever look at other veterinarians and think they’re so much more together than you are?

I love my veterinarian a lot and hope she doesn’t do that, and hope you don’t either.

You never know what’s going on inside another person’s head, heart and life, though humans like to think you know. You don’t.

What looks calm, cool and collected on the outside could be full of conflict and consternation on the inside. You can admire someone and want to be like them – just beware of comparing yourself to them, because you’re not walking in their Crocs.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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The Secret Purpose of Goal-Setting


Did you know that a goal is just an excuse to grow and learn?

Mom’s goal for me is to compete in rally obedience by the end of this year. I like that goal because there’s cheese involved and I get to play games with her.

What’s really happening when you’re reaching for a goal is that you’re stretching your knowledge and creativity and belief in yourself, and that’s all good!

So go ahead – set a goal. Just remember it’s the journey to the goal that really lights your fire, so enjoy every step along the way.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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The Art of Dealing with Annoying People


Got a client coming in today that you dread seeing?

Maybe they’re difficult, or maybe they’re a close-talker, or maybe they just don’t know when it’s time to stop playing, like my Poodle brother. Give that boy some Ace, already!

Anyway, when you know you have to spend time with someone you don’t love spending time with, try this – make up a story about why they are the way they are. Make it a tale of woe, like something bad happened to them in childhood that caused them to be how they are.

Convince yourself that the story is true, because when you do, you’ll feel love and compassion for them instead of irritation or dread.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Ouch! Responding to Criticism


How do you respond when someone criticizes you or wants to argue?

Sometimes that squirrel sits up on the fence and chews me out – man, that frosts my fur!!

It’s really easy to get defensive or to argue – instead, memorize these words and use them as needed – “thank you for your input – I’ll consider it.”

You have acknowledged that you heard them and have NOT agreed to what they’re saying, just that you’ll consider it.

You might consider it garbage, but hey, you still considered it!

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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