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An Adventurous Look at Failure

Uncategorized Oct 13, 2022

How do you feel when something or someone you wanted doesn’t become yours? Maybe it was a new work situation, a new house or even a new spouse?

Well, that question seems stupid, doesn’t it?

Rejection hurts. Rejection is disappointing. And then there’s this - rejection is good because it shows you that you tried.

Failing at anything is a bit of a gut-punch at first, and that’s to be expected because you’re human. Reframe that feeling – remind yourself that you put yourself out there and you tried, and when you try again it could very well turn out in your favor.

Lick your wounds for a moment and then move on – life has more adventures in store for you! 

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job"

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