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Irritated by Other Drivers? You're in Charge!


Do you get irritated at other drivers when you’re driving?

I look out the window and sometimes see the driver in the car beside us yelling and pounding on his steering wheel. Scary – glad mom doesn’t do that!!

Humans take things so personally sometimes – if you get mad at other drivers, you might be thinking things like, “he just cut me off!!” or “they’re so slow that I could walk faster!!”

Usually, what you’re doing is taking the other driver’s actions personally, like they’re out to get you. They’re not – they’re just driving. You’re the one making up a story inside your head that’s making you angry and hurting your attitude and your body.

Look around and find something to appreciate or admire and let yourself off the hook. You’ll arrive in a much better mood, I promise.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Creating Creative Success in Your Life


What does success look like to you?

To me it would be a total takedown of my new big brother the Standard Poodle…he’s so tall I haven’t figured out how to wrestle him to the ground yet!

Think about it…what does success look like to you?

You can let your mind play with that idea or if you know exactly what success is for you, write about it in your journal, paint it on your bedroom wall or maybe make a vision board of what your success looks like.

Knowing what you’re aiming for will help you get there, and turning your success into a creative project makes the journey more fun.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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That Ol' Kill-Joy, Comparison


Do you sometimes compare yourself or your life against someone else’s?

Sometimes I look at that orange cat and think about how it would be to be that free…I could just runandrunandrun! And then I remember the yummy food and cookies that Mom gives me…mmmmmmmmm!

When you compare yourself against someone else, it’s like comparing apples and oranges – you don’t know what their life really is, or what experiences brought them to where they are today. If you knew all of that you might not be so quick to want to change places with them.

Instead of comparing, consider all the positive things about yourself and your life. You rock…you just need to remember to recognize that.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Breaking Bad - Habits, That Is!


Do you have a habit you want to break? It’s ok…sometimes I forget and play too rough in the house. I’ve gotta remember to stop doing that before I break something!

Everyone has bad habits and when you understand neuroplasticity concepts you’ll understand two things about them – why they’re hard to break and that you can break them if you want.

Next time you start to do that habit you don’t want to do anymore, stop. Ponder this thought – why do I want to do that right now? Go deep, and think about the answer to that question for a minute or so. You may be surprised to find that the urge to do that thing you don’t want to do anymore has passed. Congratulations…you’re on your way to freeing yourself of that habit!

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Start the Day with Less Stress


Does your morning wear you out before you even get to the hospital? If you have family, you’re probably care-taking for them – clothes, school bags, lunches, homework – while trying to make coffee and breakfast and get yourself ready too. Exhausting!!

Think about the pieces of your morning routine that could be done ahead – prep overnight oatmeal the night before, get everyone’s clothes organized the night before, round up the homework and put it in the backpacks and maybe even prep the lunches.

When you knock things out ahead of time you avoid the stress of time crunches.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Pay Attention to Intentions


Do you pay attention to intentions? Mom calls me Butterfly Brain so I guess that means I don’t pay attention to much at all sometimes.

Paying attention to intentions is easy though – in the evening, as you’re finishing up dinner dishes or whatever, think about the next day. Make one intention that’ll help make your day easier.

Maybe it’s making lunch now instead of in the morning. Maybe it’s putting walking shoes in your car so you can get outside for 15 minutes at some point tomorrow. Whatever it is, decide what you’ll do tomorrow and prep for it tonight.

By paying attention to your intention and getting prepped for it, you’re setting yourself up for success.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Don't Sweat IT


Is your motivation lagging a little bit today?

A great way to get your mojo back is to think back to times when you’ve nailed it – whatever IT is that’s demotivating you. Remember when you first learned IT, when you finally mastered IT and when you helped teach IT to someone else.

You’re aces at IT – remind yourself of that, give yourself a pat on the back and then get to IT.

I’m Sandy Weaver and just like Kacey, I love veterinarians!

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The Power of Pavlov's Dog


Did you know that your brain can’t tell the difference between what you’re thinking and what you’re living? Brains don’t know reality, and for proof of that, let’s talk about a famous canine – Pavlov’s dog.

That guy Pavlov teased his dog a lot, using people in lab coats, metronomes and bells to trick his dog into thinking food might be coming. The dog salivated even when there was no food – his brain thought there would be food, which created a food-related response in his body.

This works in people too – your brain can make you feel calm or feel stressed or sad, just by reminding you of things that have triggered those responses in the past. The good news is you can control your brain – Mom teaches people how to do it all the time so they can feel good. 

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Learn Something New


What new thing are you learning? Does it excite you?

I love to learn new things – mom says I’m a fast learner with a short attention span. Someday I’ll learn what she means by that.

Anyway, learning is great – it keeps you focused and fascinated. In your work you probably learn something new pretty often but that’s not what I’m talking about – learn something that might not even have anything to do with animals.

Maybe it’s a new language or how to knit or even golf – learning something new is a great way to decompress and de-stress.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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Encourage Away Chaos


Is life feeling a little bit chaotic today? Mom got me a Standard Poodle to play with – man is he tall!! And he doesn’t want to play the way I want to play and sometimes snapping happens.

Oooooh…did I hit a nerve there?

If there’s chaos in your hospital today and people are snapping at each other, try Mom’s way of handling things – encouragement. Encourage team members to be kinder to each other, to remember that everyone’s doing the best they can do in the moment, and if all else fails, stick em in a crate until they calm down. That seems to work pretty well around here.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!

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