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Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites

Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites

Hosted by: Sandy Weaver

If you have 90 seconds, you can fuel up on an evidence-based, wagalicious success tool. C'mon - grab a tiny bite!!

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What to Do When Adults are Childish - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Have you ever seen a child get so angry and frustrated that they say something like, “you’ll miss me when I’m dead!” as they go stomping off? Feeling misunderstood, unappreciated, or unloved triggers a very primal...
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Why People Really Act Out - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Is there someone in your life who always seems to be angry? The tiniest little thing sets them off and there’s nothing you can do to soothe their anger? How much do you know about their back story? Often someone who...
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The Three Types of People Who Gossip - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Gossip. OMG, the horrors of gossip, and OMG, the fun of gossip. Wait – what? How can it be both fun and horrible? Human beings learn through stories. It’s been that way since the dawn of time, before the invention of...
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Really - No Explanation Necessary! - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Does this ever happen to you – a friend or relative calls, you see the call, and you choose to let them go to voicemail? It doesn’t matter why – in that moment that wasn’t a call you wanted to take or could take? Then...
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Feeling Too Adult? Imagine Something! - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Do you remember being a child and conjuring up an entire world in your imagination? Maybe you were creating a forest life for your stuffed animals, or maybe a fashion show with your dolls, or maybe you were a magical...
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Broken Heart? Here's How to Heal It - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Has your heart ever been broken? If so, welcome to the human race! We love, therefore we suffer pain when love is unreturned or the one we love decides to leave. Recovering from a failed romance is something that some...
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Start Today Right - Let Go of Yesterday - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

How was yesterday? Was it awesome, pretty good, so so, or did it suck? When your feet hit the floor this morning, how did you feel – mired in yesterday or ready for today? Especially if yesterday was less than...
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How to Stop Guilting Yourself - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Do you often feel guilty for things you’ve done or said in the past? Let’s talk about guilt for a minute. If you were raised to adhere to a strict moral code and you go outside that code, it can trigger feelings of...
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Why Variety Feeds Friendship - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Quick – think about the kind of people you gravitate towards – are they the life of the party or the quiet observers? Take your best friend – not a romantic partner, a friend. When you’re with them, who does more...
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Beating Yourself with Someone Else's Yardstick - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Do you ever get impatient with where you are in your life? Maybe you think you should be farther along in your studies, or farther along in your career, or farther along in your finances. You have an imaginary...
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How to Get What You Want - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Is there something you reallyreallyreally want that’s not happening as fast as you’d like, or maybe not happening at all? Most people – myself included – were raised to believe that if we wanted something we had to...
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Do You Know Not Everyone is Like You - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Have you ever thought about how you want to affect the world with your presence? People often spend time wondering what their purpose in life is, and at its most basic, each of us has the same purpose: to leave the...
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