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Are You Successfully Unsuccessful? - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

When you’re successful, why do you sometimes feel unsuccessful?

When you’re part of the inner circle, how can you possibly feel like an outsider?

When you achieve something big, why is that little voice inside your head calling you undeserving?

Consider this – other people feel what you’re feeling, too, just like you. They’re feeling undeserving, like an outsider, and unsuccessful.

How can that be? It’s because most of us were taught at a young age that feeling really good about ourselves is egotistical, self-centered, and exhibitionist. It may not be as extreme as imposter syndrome, and yet we still feeling like not quite enough…good enough, smart enough, powerful enough.


When you’re feeling that way, stop and ask yourself this question: if I was saying words about my friend who’d just achieved what I achieved, what would those words sound like? Would they be words to lift her up or words to shoot her down?

Then, talk to yourself like you’d talk to your friend.

Want more? Click here for the Mind, Body, Soul Sessions, a daily way to feed your total self.  #veterinarian #petindustry #wellbeing #leader #lawofattraction


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