Feed my Mind, Body, and Soul please!

The podcast that's focused on YOUR wellbeing!

Imagine your life with you in control - does it feel smoother...happier...calmer?


What if you gave yourself your first appointment of the day - 15 minutes to focus on your mental wellbeing, gentle muscle work and learning something new? 

And what if you just needed to listen and you were guided through blissful peace into a day where you felt more in control, more on target and more empathetic?

When they begin to focus on their own wellbeing, many people say things like:

  • My workload hasn't changed but I don't feel exhausted all the time anymore.
    Tamitha Brown LVT
  • I'm more understanding with my co-workers, especially when something goes wrong.
    Marcus Wheatley CVPM
  • That feeling of burnout doesn't rule my life anymore.
    Elizabeth Ryder, DVM

This is all you need - a quiet place, a comfy chair and the
Mind, Body, Soul Sessions podcast.

Here's a sample of a Mind, Body, Soul Session...


A Podcast for your Mind, Body and Soul

Yes, you'll even work your muscles without working up a sweat!

15 Minutes of Relaxing Focus on You

A new podcast is released every week, focusing on potential sources of stress and how to choose the road that takes you past the stressor.

Fill Your Cup with Wellbeing Each Day

People with a wellbeing practice have more to give to others, and can give without feeling so burned out.

Subscribe to the Mind, Body, Soul Sessions Podcast

Just $7 per month - a new Session each week, plus access to all previously published sessions. 
No contract - no obligation. Cancel anytime - no worries!
Yes, my Mind, Body, and Soul are worth $7 a month!