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Leading Through a Turbulent Political Season

election leader leadership Jul 23, 2024

Every four years, we Americans forget who we are. We forget that we have power. We forget how to use that power. We forget to be civil as we use our voices and our fingertips, and sadly, sometimes fists and other weapons, in our attempts to move hearts and minds to our way of thinking.

You can make a leadership decision and make your corner of the world more peaceful – will you step into your leadership role this political season? The more people who choose to gently, quietly lead, the more civil this season will be.

It’s easy to blame social media, broadcast media, political ads, and journalists for the negativity and belligerence of the narrative, but the truth is, since the inception of our country, elections have been contentious, political advertising has been negative, and conversations have degenerated into heated arguments when politics was the topic.

Where does leadership come into play? It comes from you, not to you. In these next 105 days, will you step up and lead your friends, your family, your community, your employees – whoever the people are in your life that you interact with regularly – will you lead them by showing them that turbulence can be met with tranquility? How, you may ask? Thank you – here are a few examples:

Don’t share, comment on, or even hit the “like” button on political posts designed to inflame. Keep your interactions on social media positive or neutral on political topics.

In conversations, look for ways to defuse inflammatory topics. Don’t argue with the person making them – a sentence like, “there are many ways to look at things” used just before you change the subject will get their attention and help them realize you won’t rise to their bait or jump on their bandwagon.

When you feel your own angst or anger rising, take a breath and remember that you have a power that most people on this planet don’t – you have the privilege of casting a vote on November 5th for the candidate of your choice, and no one needs to know who that candidate is. Arguments made now will only make others dig in their heels and maybe even consider you a fool. Silence has its own subtle power – wield it as often as necessary.

When you can exercise your EQ (emotional quotient, a measure of maturity and reasoned thinking) while others around you are displaying their lack of EQ, you lead in a powerful way. You lead by example, and others may decide to follow your lead. Whether or not they do, taking this approach in the next 105 days will help you feel calmer, less stressed, and more balanced. If you’d like more ideas on how to lead through EQ, here are three episodes of the world’s second-shortest podcast to help:

Want to know some secrets of successful leaders? Here’s a Tiny Bite for that!

Did you know you’re an accidental influential leader? Here’s a Tiny Bite for that!

Can you learn leadership lessons from the late Jimmy Buffett? Here’s a Tiny Bite for that!

This political season – these next 105 days – remember who you are and remember your true power. You are a leader by example, and you have the power to help bring calm to this turbulent political season. Then, either in early voting, by absentee ballot, or in person on Election Day, cast your vote. Between now and then, lead by example and help soothe those who are engaging in a display of powerless, pointless pontification.

Sandy Weaver
The Voice of Wagaliciousness

PS...want more? Subscribe to the Mind, Body, Soul Sessions podcast, a weekly mental spa treatment for your total self! #podcast #success #leader #lawofattraction #personaldevelopment #mentalwellbeing


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