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Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - Goosebumps, Tears, and Feeling Real

Do you ever get goosebumps or puddles in your eyes because something feels very real or true to you? That’s your body’s way of confirming that what you’re feeling is real.

Goosebumps come from the primitive part of the brain and are tied to emotional response, not empirical response. The same is true of those tears that spring to your eyes and don’t fall – they help you release the rush of hormones triggered by a strong, swift emotion.

When you tell a story about something sweet that happened to you, your brain can’t tell the difference between the words you’re saying and the actual event, so it presents you with the same hormone soup you had when the event happened. Likewise, your brain signals you that a thought you’re expressing for the first time is congruent with similar things from your past by releasing the same hormone soup.

Goosebumps and puddles are your clues that you’re on the right track towards something good in your life.

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