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Defusing an Argumentative Person - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Is there someone in your life who loves to argue? Ugh…that’s deep in the no-fun zone.

And have you noticed that this argumentative person just digs in their heels, or as a dear friend says, “puts on their donkey feet” the more you try to get them to see a different point of view? That’s something fairly common in argumentative people – they hold their beliefs so strongly that when presented with evidence to the contrary, they reject the evidence that doesn’t support their position.

Scientists are still trying to discover the brain science behind what’s commonly called the backfire effect, or even if it really exists.

You need a way to defuse the arguments, though, right? Here’s how – don’t challenge, question.

Ask questions like, “can you tell me how that works?” and “that’s interesting – tell me how you learned that” – get curious instead of confrontational, and the argumentative person can’t argue – at least not with you!

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