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Clarity for Your Spiritual Journey - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Thích Nhất Hạnh was a Buddhist monk whose simple wisdom resonated – and still resonates – with people of all faiths, and of no professed faith. When asked to define the concept of enlightenment, his reply was simple and elegant:

“Enlightenment for a wave is the moment it realizes it is water.”

Many people think that enlightenment is an advanced, spiritual level that mere mortals can’t reach and that’s simply not true. Enlightenment is understanding that you are both an individual thing and a part of a greater thing.

In the water example, you’re the wave and you’re also the water. You live in both realms, and you can focus on the smaller, individual realm that is your life while also remembering that you’re part of the larger, interconnectedness that we’re all a part of. You might call it faith or God or the Buddha, and you might have a different idea or name for what that larger interconnectedness is.

When you live your life knowing that your love spreads far and wide in both of your spheres of influence, that’s enlightenment.

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