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The Secrets of a Great Leader - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Want to know the secret of a great leader?

  • They lead by example, not by explanation.
  • They show how they want you to treat co-workers by the way they treat their own people.
  • They show you how to handle an emergency by how they react in a not-optimal situation.
  • They listen actively, value feedback, recognize, act on, and celebrate good ideas from other team members.
  • They keep their door and their mind open.

Great leaders walk the walk so well that they very rarely have to talk the talk, and when they do open their mouths, their words match their actions. They have a clear vision of where they want the team to go and communicate it clearly, effectively, and in a way that lets everyone know their value in that vision.

Great leaders lead by example, not by explanation. What example will you set for your team today?

Want more? Come and play in the Wagalicious Life Online Community playground! Go to Wagalicious.Life.  #veterinarian #petindustry #agriculture #leader #lawofattraction


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