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Can Someone Really Steal Your Power? - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Do you know someone who likes to tell stories of the bad things that happened to them? A little bit of that kind of storytelling is normal, and too much of it is detrimental to mental well-being.

We’ve all had bad things happen to us, and when they do, it can feel very personal. I was mugged, and I felt victimized and vulnerable. Again, it’s normal to feel like that for a while. To continue to focus on the terror of the experience is to fail to gain the growth and perspective and resilience that are possible.

You can’t get stronger after a bad experience if you continue to take that experience personally. Resilience comes from being able to reframe the event from a deliberate, personal, horrible experience that you’ll never get over into something that happened to you once and you learned and grew because of the experience.

I learned to walk differently, to take in my surroundings more thoroughly, and to know that mugging is random, I was in the path of it, not the target of it, and I grew stronger because of it.

Help your negatively-focused friend – share this Tiny Bite with them.

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