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How You're Bleeding Yourself Dry and How to Stop It - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

A small cut on your hand won’t bleed enough to kill you. Several small cuts on your hand and arm won’t bleed enough to kill you. Hundreds of small cuts on your body begin to be quite concerning, and once you get to a thousand cuts that only bleed a drop or two each, that can kill you.

Why am I painting this somewhat gruesome picture for you?

Inside your head, you cut yourself hundreds of times each day without even knowing it, and what you’re killing is your confidence and ability to lead effectively. When your brain says things like, “she’s so much more confident than me” or “I’m too fat” or “my legs look funny” or “people like them better than me” you’re cutting yourself in ways that can harm you for years, maybe even the rest of your life.

You can make your brain stop cutting you – pay attention to what it says and when you hear those kinds of damaging words, put up your mental stop sign and change the narrative. “My legs look funny” can become “my legs are functional and useful and I appreciate them.”

Do this every time your brain cuts you and watch your confidence soar.

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job" #veterinarian #petindustry #wellbeing #leader #lawofattraction


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