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Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - Quit Trying to Control the Past So You Can Be Present

The Roman philosopher Seneca the Younger is often quoted as saying, “Don’t stumble over something behind you.”

Think about the meaning of that – so many of us have things that have happened to us in the past that we use to either define or limit ourselves in the present. Additionally, we beat ourselves up over wasting time, squandering perceived opportunities, and staying in a job or a relationship longer than we should have.

Is any of this ringing a bell for you? Then maybe you’re stumbling over something behind you, which doesn’t allow you to move forward productively.

Maybe you’ve heard me say “there’s no power in the past” and what that means is you can’t do anything to change what’s already happened. It happened. It’s done. In the present, if you need to mend fences with someone, mend them. If you need to forgive so you can forget, forgive and forget. If you need to spend some time with a therapist to help you process past pain so it doesn’t control you now and in the future, do it.

In order to move forward into the life you dream of, you have to stop stumbling over the past. Focus on today, decide the next step to move you forward, and take it.

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