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Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - Creating Humor from Anger

Do you know how to turn your own bad mood around? Many people don’t, and they get stuck in a negative mindset for days on end – and sometimes for a whole lifetime, sadly. It’s especially sad because turning a mood around is within your power, and it’s only within your power.

No one can make you feel better without your permission and cooperation – you are the one who has to be willing to make the shift. How do you do it? One way is to make a game out of finding something funny in whatever is bothering you.

Let’s pretend that I just cut you off in traffic and you’re angry about it, yelling at me and maybe waving a specific finger at me. You could go on that way, being angry and spoiling your mood for the rest of the day, or you could make up an entertaining outcome to the situation. Pretend that me and my car are going to be deluged with bird poop as Mother Nature takes your side and directs the birds to deliver retri-poop-tion on your behalf.

You can probably come up with something funnier than that, and hopefully you get the point – find a way to make yourself laugh when something has upset you, and suddenly you aren’t in a bad mood anymore.

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