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Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - Which Love are You Experiencing Now?

Let’s talk about love. Have you ever been in love? Have you ever fallen out of love? Have you ever loved someone who fell out of love with you? Scholars, poets, dreamers and people like you and me have tried to define love, and yet love is so infinite that it defies definition. Here are three ways to think about different kinds of love:

  • Love that comes from the head – this love is a conscious choice and feels satisfying on many levels. It’s often felt between good friends, co-workers and extended families where physical distance comes        into play. This love can change as often and as capriciously as you can change your mind.
  • Love that comes from the heart, or maybe the pheromones – this love feels all-encompassing and like it will last forever. It’s often felt between best friends and romantic partners, and it’s going to be strong only as long as the heart feels cared for in return.
  • Love that comes from the soul – this love is the real deal. It comes from both the head and the heart, and is the love that endures, forgives and nurtures.

When you’re in a difficult relationship, examine where your love for that other person comes from, and where you think their love for you is based. When you understand the nature of your feelings, it’s easier to honor them and make the best choices for you in your own life.

Love yourself from the depths of your soul and honor what your head, heart and soul need.

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