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Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - Harnessing a Mentor's Super Power

What is the single most important thing a mentor can impart to the mentee?

That every single person who is doing what the mentee is learning to do had firsts – the first time they ever conducted an interview, the first time they ever were the lead attorney, the first time they ever filled a cavity, the first time they ever performed a spay surgery – you get it. No one is born knowing how to do anything – we all learn by doing, and even once we’ve done something many times, we’re still humans, so we’re never going to do everything perfectly.

The single most important thing a mentor can impart is compassion for self through the learning process and beyond. Yes, mentors provide expertise and knowledge. Yes, they can also provide perspective and personal experience with getting things wrong.

When you’re mentoring someone, remember to sprinkle in a dose of compassion and perspective. When you’re being mentored, listen for it and ask for it. If it’s not forthcoming, find a new mentor.

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