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Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - Turning Yearning Around for Good

Are you yearning for a romantic relationship? Do you crave the feeling of belonging that you associate with romantic love?

Think about the word “belonging.” “Be.” “Longing.”

I used the words “yearning” and “craving” purposefully – those feelings associated with a desire that’s missing fit perfectly with the word “belonging.” Longing, craving and yearning for something that’s missing feels bad. And yet you want to be in a romantic relationship, so how can you feel good about not being in one?

Try this – take all that love you want to give to one special person and spread it around. When the feeling of yearning comes over you, realize that it’s just love looking for a place to go. Look around – someone or something needs love right that very moment, so take the love you’re yearning to give and flood it all over that someone or something.

The good you do will come back to you, I promise.

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