Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - Well, Excuse Me!
Do you make excuses for your looks or your behavior or your attitude? Can I help you stop doing that?
Successful people don’t make excuses.
Strong people don’t make excuses.
Resilient people don’t make excuses.
Life throws a lot of stuff at us a lot of the time, and we roll with it. When someone questions your looks or your behavior or your attitude, you do NOT owe them an explanation. As a matter of fact, you don’t owe them anything. They haven’t lived your life, they don’t know your heart, and if their comments were rude, they’re not going to care about your excuse, it will just give them more ammunition to beat you up with.
You are you, fabulous you, warts and all. The life you’ve lived has shaped you and honed your intellect, your wit and your heart. You don’t owe anyone an explanation or an excuse.
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