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Veterinary Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - Practice Personal Appreciation

At the end of the day today, look back at what you accomplished. Look at the things you finished, the things you set into motion, the feelings you soothed, the misunderstandings you straightened out…look at everything you took part in today.

One by one, think of what you had to know to get through each event, to finish each item, and to make plans for someday. Appreciate your talents, your tact, your skills and your caring heart. And for those things that didn’t feel like they went quite right, remind yourself that they’re exactly as they should be, no matter what the outcome was. Nearly everything is outside of your control, so remember not to beat yourself up over things you couldn’t change.

Celebrate your successes – even the little ones. And tomorrow, pay attention to the things you accomplish, set into motion, and the interpersonal issues you soothed and improved, and celebrate yourself in those moments.

That’s how you move from simply surviving into living and thriving. 

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job"

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