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Veterinary Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - No Matter How Ugly Everything is Beautiful

Everything is beautiful. Everything. It’s up to you to look at in a way that highlights its beauty, not its flaws.

Every neighborhood has that one yard filled with dandelions, threatening to scatter their floating seeds all over everyone else’s pristine lawns. If you have one of the pristine lawns, you could be irate with your neighbor the dandelion farmer or you could remember how magical it felt as a child to make a wish and blow that round ball of fairy-seeds out to make your wish come true. Or you could look at the not-so-secret life of dandelions and appreciate how they feed bees, keeping them alive and thriving so they can pollinate other, more desirable flowers, fruits and vegetables.

Highlight the beauty of things and feel the contentment that will bring into your life. 

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job"

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