Center for Workplace Happiness

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Veterinary Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - Fixing it Yourself

Is something bothering you? Is it something you can do something about? If you’re not fixing something that’s bothering you, you are choosing to continue to be bothered by it. I

know – it’s easy and tempting to hope that by ignoring something irritating, it will go away. Nope – it’ll just irritate you more and more as time goes by.

If you have the power to fix it, fix it. If you don’t have the power to fix it, make up a better story about it and tell yourself that story each time you’re tempted to get irritated.

Make a choice to either fix it or fix your perception of it and your life will feel soooooo much better! 

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job"

#podcast #vetlife #veterinarian #vethospital #vettech #notonemorevet #wellbeing #success #leadership #leader #lawofattraction 


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