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Veterinary Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - Gamebraining for the Win

Want to know the secret to stress relief? It’s not having a stress-free life, it’s having a stress-free outlook.

What happens around you happens. You’re not in control of red lights, gridlock traffic, rude clients – none of it. You can’t control what happens around you – you can control your response to it. Your brain makes it challenging to choose a new reaction, though, because for years you’ve reacted to the same stimuli in the same old way. If that way feels stressful, switch it up.

Think about one thing that happens in your life fairly often, think about how you usually react and how you’d rather react. Practice the new reaction in your mind and your thoughts, so that when the thing happens, you’re ready to try out your new, improved, stress-relieving reaction. 

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