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Overwhelm, Imposter Syndrome and You

Uncategorized Sep 21, 2022

High achievers often struggle with overwhelm and imposter syndrome. Let me say that again and say it better this time – high achievers like you often struggle with overwhelm and imposter syndrome.

You’ve been driving yourself since you were a child – to get high grades, to take tough classes, to push through until you achieved your goal and then to feel like that goal wasn’t good enough, so you set an even tougher one.

Sound familiar? It does to me, too – that’s how I was and still work to not be.

Finding balance in life isn’t only about a work-life balance, it’s about a more balanced view of who you are and what you need.

You need to rest.
You need to take time off.
You need to do what feeds your soul.

You need to remember that your needs are your first priority. When you do that, you’re less likely to be sick, to be burned out, or to go down dark mental pathways.

Take your foot off the gas – give yourself 15 minutes a day that’s just for you and your physical, mental and spiritual self. For a great way to start the process of taking care of you, consider giving yourself 15 minutes daily with The Mind, Body, Spirit Sessions podcast

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job""

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