Center for Workplace Happiness

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Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - The Easy Way to Spread Happiness and Joy

Do you want to spread more joy in the world and you don’t know how? Or maybe you want to feel more joy more often? You can do both by doing the same thing – take more pictures and videos and share them on your social media channels.

People get joy from seeing others live life – that’s part of why television shows and movies are so popular.

Every day, think of something fun or unusual or lovely that you can take a video or picture of, and do it. Share it on Facebook or Instagram or Linked In or YouTube, and then go on about your day. It may not happen right away, but if you do this every day or even almost every day, you’ll start seeing people liking and commenting. Keep doing it and you’ll soon realize you’ve created a bit of a following and that people appreciate your posts, your effort and you.

Doesn’t it feel good to be appreciated, especially when it’s for something you’re doing to make other people happy? Go ahead – share your pictures and videos and make the world better, one post at a time.

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job" #veterinarian #petindustry #wellbeing #leader #lawofattraction


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