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Shaping Your Life by Training Your Brain

Uncategorized Oct 04, 2022

No one can see past their own expectations.

This is neuroscience in action – have you ever had this happen? You buy a new car and suddenly you see your car everywhere – maybe a different color, but it’s the same car you just chose. That’s your brain, reinforcing your decision to buy that car.

There are far too many things around you that your brain notices for you to take them all in, so your brain concentrates on the ones it feels are most relevant to you. So if you expect – even at a nearly unconscious level – that traffic will be bad, then you’ll notice the places where you have to slow down. If you expect – even at a nearly unconscious level – that the person at the counter will be grouchy, your brain will help you choose the grouchy person to deal with.

What you expect out of your day and your life, your brain will do its best to deliver to you. Expect the best – you deserve it, and your brain will help you get it. 

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job"

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