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Irritated by Other Drivers? You're in Charge!


Do you get irritated at other drivers when you’re driving?

I look out the window and sometimes see the driver in the car beside us yelling and pounding on his steering wheel. Scary – glad mom doesn’t do that!!

Humans take things so personally sometimes – if you get mad at other drivers, you might be thinking things like, “he just cut me off!!” or “they’re so slow that I could walk faster!!”

Usually, what you’re doing is taking the other driver’s actions personally, like they’re out to get you. They’re not – they’re just driving. You’re the one making up a story inside your head that’s making you angry and hurting your attitude and your body.

Look around and find something to appreciate or admire and let yourself off the hook. You’ll arrive in a much better mood, I promise.

I’m Kacey and I love veterinarians!


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