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Helping Someone Overcome Adversity

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2022

There are a lot of examples of overcoming adversity in the world around us.

  • Salmon swim upstream and leap up waterfalls – it’s their only way to keep the species going.
  • Trees sway in wild storms, sometimes losing branches but remaining flexible enough to remain standing against Mother Nature’s worst.
  • Airplanes take off against the wind, not with it – it’s the only way to get the lift needed to defy gravity.

Adversity happens to everyone – no one gets through life without having to overcome obstacles. When someone you care about is in a tumultuous place in their life, it might help them to hear about the salmon and the trees and the airplanes.

The salmon don’t stop at the top of the waterfall to tell all the other salmon how hard the climb was. People in painful conflict often do just that – they wallow in the difficulty instead of growing through it. Help that person you care about – maybe you – flourish instead.

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