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Finding and Fixing Old Patterns

Uncategorized Oct 29, 2022

Human beings are creatures of habit. Have you ever watched helplessly as your best friend picked the same kind of bad-for-her relationship partner, over and over?

That happens because we’re innately drawn to patterns of behavior that fit a pattern we’re used to. It doesn’t matter if it’s a good pattern or a bad pattern – it’s a pattern that feels familiar, and therefore our brains flood our bodies with oxytocin and dopamine in response.

If you have a pattern of behavior you’d like to change, make a plan, work the plan and be patient and kind with yourself when you find yourself reverting to an old way of doing things.

Our brains love patterns – it’s how we can learn and grow so rapidly – so creating a new pattern and then sticking with that new pattern will create your new habit.

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job"


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