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Curing a Judgey-Judgey Person

Uncategorized Sep 20, 2022

Do you know someone who is very judgmental?

Maybe they voice unflattering opinions about women who carry expensive handbags or people who drive a large vehicle or the neighbors who have a car that doesn’t move very often? They have an opinion about everyone and it’s most often not a very nice one?

When someone behaves like that, it’s about them, not about the person they’re judging. It gives you a glimpse into their early life and what they were taught, either intentionally or unintentionally. It’s likely they don’t even know they’re making snap judgments about people – it’s become their default behavior.

If it’s someone you deal with on a daily basis, like a team member or family member, you can help them see themselves as others do, and help them make a change for the better. When they say something like, “Her purse probably cost as much as my house payment…she thinks she’s so special!” you can chime in and say, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to easily buy a purse like that?” or “Maybe she just likes it.” or “Wow, you got all that anger just from her purse?” Keep your tone light and fun and do it every time you hear something judgmental coming out of their mouth.

They’ll either make a healthy change in the way they look at things or they’ll be quiet around you. Either way, you don’t have to deal with all the negativity, and that's a win for you.

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