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The Down Side of Dealing with Human Beings

Uncategorized Oct 06, 2022

Has someone been unkind to you today?
Has someone tried to manipulate you today?
Has someone lied to you today?

Since you’re dealing with human beings, you’ve probably experienced some level of all of those behaviors today, unless you’re reading this right after waking up.

You can’t control how other people behave, even those who are related to you. You can control what you’ll put up with in your life, and how other people’s bad behavior will affect you. Start by remembering who you are, why what you do matters, and how much value you give to others through the things you do each day.

Be polite and unmoved by those who do wrong things to you. They have no power over you.


When you take away your emotional reactions to their bad behavior, you gut their ability to control you. 

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job"

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