Center for Workplace Happiness

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Ready to Take Your Team From Stressed to Success?

How about blowing past "success" ...
all the way to wagalicious?*

Let's work together to create the efficient, supportive, and yes - fun! - workplace you and your team will thrive in!

Take the First Step to Wagalicious Here!


adjective: wag' - uh - lih - shus
You know how happy your dog is when you get home, no matter how long you've been gone?
You know that feeling of accomplishment and joy when things go just right?
Then you know wagalicious...let's get you and your team there!

Want to see how WAGALICIOUS feels?

Watch this 80-second-long video!


The Wagalicious Blog

Weekly quick reads filled with actionable, research-based tools

Customized Caring

What challenges your team most? We customize our in-person and virtual programs to meet and address those challenges. Communication problems? Covered. Attitude adjustments? Achievable. Staff friction? Fixable.

Workshops are interactive, immersive, and fun, with participants gaining evidence-based tools and techniques to create personal and professional wellbeing.

And nothing empowers your staff more than knowing their coworkers have their back.

Our focus is onĀ leaders in animal-related fields and their teams

Those who work with animals and for animals are a special breed of human.Ā 

We understand the unique people drawn to the veterinary field, and also the unique stresses inherent in the field. Your team will feel heard, understood, and cared for... because they will be!

Center for Workplace Happiness programs are designed to address issues proactively, empowering teams to watch out for each other, better understand each other, and to take ownership of their wagaliciousness.

In Person Training

When you're ready, we're there - in-person training that'll rock your team in a wagalicious way! Nothing is better than customized, in-person programs. All current best-practices are followed to ensure the safety of you and your team.

Virtual Training

Your team deserves the highest-quality virtual training, so our Program Director is a dual-certified virtual presenter. Engaging, interactive and fun are a few words your people will use to describe what they'll experience.

On-Demand Training

For non-customized and still very effective training sessions, try our on-demand learning options. These programs are our most popular offerings and are available with bulk pricing discounts. On-demand programs make great gifts!

Ready to Energize Your People?

Contact us and let's work together to inject a dose of wagaliciousness into your team dynamics!


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