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Did You Make a Mistake or Are You Mistaken? - Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites Podcast

Oh, don’t you hate to make a mistake? It’s so embarrassing. It’s so confidence-shaking.

It’s so tempting to try to make it look like it was someone else’s fault, not yours.

Some people are better at that than others – have you ever worked with someone who never took the blame for anything? Whatever happened, it was always someone else’s fault. Even if they had to cook up an elaborate story to make it make sense that it was someone else's fault, that’s what they did.

They probably weren’t the most popular person in the office, and they certainly weren’t the most valuable and trusted team member, either.

It’s really hard to grow in your knowledge and wisdom if you never learn from your mistakes. True emotional intelligence comes from resisting the temptation to place blame, then from owning your mistakes, analyzing what went wrong, and doing better next time the circumstances are similar.

That’s the makings of the most valuable and trusted team member!

PS...want more? Subscribe to the Mind, Body, Soul Sessions podcast, a weekly mental spa treatment for your total self! #success #leader #lawofattraction #personaldevelopment #mentalwellbeing


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