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Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - Words to Use on a Tough Day

Do you ever get bogged down in a problem or a mess? Maybe it’s a work problem or a relationship problem or a personal problem – it feels like you’re standing in mud up to your knees so you can’t move, much less see a way to get out of the problem.

There are times in everyone’s lives where the urge to run away and hide is strong – I just had one this week! That’s when having a go-to sentence to remind yourself that it won’t last forever can do wonders for your mental wellbeing.

One of my favorites is, “Wonderful things can happen at any moment in my life.”

Think of something wonderful that happened for you – did it feel magical, like it came to you out of the blue? That happens all the time and we often forget to revel in the feeling of success and perfect timing that can show up for us in any moment of our lives.

Write this down and tuck it somewhere safe, so next time you’re feeling bogged down or stuck you can remind yourself – Wonderful things can happen at any moment in your life, too!

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job" 

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