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Wellbeing Wisdom Tiny Bites - Getting to Your Goals and Dreams

You have goals. You have dreams. And maybe, as you go through your life one day at a time, those goals and dreams don’t feel like they’re getting any closer.

I feel you – I certainly own that t-shirt!

We’re not falling short on our goals and dreams because we’re not talented. We’re not falling short on our goals and dreams because we’re not deserving. We often fall short of our goals and our dreams because we don’t stay focused on them, and we don’t choose our path in life with those goals and dreams in mind.

Today, write down your goals and dreams. Don’t share them with anyone if you don’t want to, just write them down. Now, take a sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle of it, and make two lists of the things that you do on a daily basis. One list is things that don’t get you closer to your goals and dreams, and the other list is things that do.

See what you can eliminate from the list that doesn’t support the future you want because that frees up precious time and resources to add more to the list that does. Now…go chase your goals and dreams!

Want more? Click here for a free audio course, "Happiness is an Inside Job" #veterinarian #petindustry #wellbeing #leader #lawofattraction


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